Post Surgery Cares

General indications for post-surgery:

1 Follow all instructions and prescriptions indicated by your doctor.

2 Always rest after surgery, the strain caused by not resting can cause bleeding and complications. If your doctor tells you absolute rest... Do not get out of bed.
If he indicates partial rest, that means that you can get out of bed, but without making any kind of effort or labor.

3 Follow a low fat diet , low in dairy and abundant in protein (chicken and fish mostly), this helps to improve your healing. Try taking adequate amounts of fluid, and as many green vegetables as you can, because these activate the formation of iron and regenerate the blood that you could have lost during surgery.

4 You can bathe daily, only be more careful if an area is covered in gauze or tapes that are only removed by your doctor.

5 Avoid exposure to the Sun, as sunlight, can cause pigmentation in areas recently intervened surgically, and heat can increase inflammation and ecchymoses (bruises) Ideally it is best not to expose yourself to the sun for at least 60 days after surgery.

6 Try to not get close to the stove or hot elements, as well as your bath water should not be very hot. Everything that produces heat can lead to increased inflammation.

7. Refrain from smoking. Nicotine can cause hardening of the blood vessels, which can decrease the flow of blood and thus oxygenation, thus promoting alterations in healing, thromboses, and bruising among many other likely complications.

8. Do not perform physical activity or intense sports for at least the first 15 days after plastic surgery... physical activity done too early after surgery can increase inflammation, alter scarring and even encourage that wounds don't close properly.
The date of when to begin being physically active will be according to the indications of your treating physician.

9 Always go to your post surgical appointments. It is important that your doctor assess the evolution of your surgery.

10. Make sure to request your doctors contact information where you can locate him 24 hours a day in case of an emergency.

11. If you have any questions... ASK! There are no bad questions... But there could be complications so don't hesitate to ask everything you need to know!

"if you don't take care of yourself... I will!
Dr jorge Krasovsky Santamarina